Girl's Uniform Details
School sweater, grey pinafore/skirt, white polo shirt or blue gingham dress in summer term/September.
Black school shoes only.
All children should bring PE pumps, a t-shirt and shorts for P.E.
Boy's Uniform Details
School sweater, grey trousers and a white polo shirt. Waterproof coats for both boys and girls.
Black school shoes only.
All children should bring PE pumps, a t-shirt and shorts for P.E.
Parents are asked to park in the spaces provided and not to park in front of the bus spaces, the school entrance and the kitchen entrance. All parents/guadians are expected to collect their children from the front entrance of the school unless on a bus.
School Safety
Safety is paramount and the following are in place to ensure all children are safe during the school day:
- Security doors, no entry from the outside of school.
- All visitors report to the school office and sign the visitors book.
- Morning entry/afternoon collection systems in place.
- Risk assessments for school outings.
- Supervision during playtimes.
- All staff are First Aid trained.
Parents are requested to inform the teacher if and when their child is absent, or needs to leave during school hours. Parents are discouraged from taking children out of school or on holiday during the school term.
School Day
School Day Begins
9.15 a.m. unless children are attending Breakfast Club which starts at 8.00 a.m. Last orders for breakfast are at 9.00a.m.
Morning Break
Morning break is from 10.45-11.00 a.m.
It is the school's policy to encourage the children to eat healthily and lead a healthy life style. The children are asked to bring a healthy snack to school. Such snacks include milk, water, fruit and vegetables.
For those not attending After schools, school day ends
2.10 p.m. for P1/2/ and P3 on Thursday and Friday
3.10 p.m. P4/5/6/7 and P3 on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday